Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is universally regarded as one of the most powerful and versatile essential oils, and the uses for this plant are almost endless. Lavender essential oil is one of Young Living’s top products because it offers a host of benefits and a sweet floral aroma.
- Restless Leg: Rub some lavender essential oil on the front of the leg, anywhere in the skin to knee area to get relief from RLS.
- Stress and Anxiety: Lavender has a natural calming effect, and will soothe anxiety and stress.
- Insomnia: Lavender essential oil will help you sleep and relax. Rub it on the bottoms of your feet.
- Menstrual Cramps: Rub essential oil on the abdomen area where you are suffering, and it can bring relief within 15 minutes.
- Headache: Rub some on lavender essential oil on the temples and forehead. If you also have peppermint essential oil, the combination of lavender and peppermint essential oils in a carrier oil will work wonderful for headaches!
- Aching Muscles: Add lavender essential oil to a carrier oil and massage into aching muscles. This is a great thing to do at bedtime.
- Seasonal Allergies: Create a mixture of lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils to help with seasonal allergies. Mix the three essential oils together and add to a capsule to ingest. You can also rub this mixture on to your temples, across the bridge of your nose, on your feet, and/or inhale by holding hands up to nose and breathing deeply.
- Heals Insect Bites: A drop of lavender essential oil on bites helps relieve the itch.
- Fatigue: Add some drops of lavender essential oil to your bath water to relieve fatigue.
- Fevers: Add some drops of lavender essential oil to a cool washcloth and rub gently on forehead, neck and trunk to cool down the body. You can also use lavender in a steam vaporizer to bring the comforting warmth to a chilled body.
- Muscle Pain and Sprains: Add lavender essential oil with a carrier oil and rub on sprains and muscle pains.
- Natural Air Deodorizer: Add lavender essential oil to a vaporizer or diffuser when you have allergies and colds.
- Fresh Linen Spray: Add some drops of lavender essential oil to a spray bottle with water and spray on your sheets, pillows and towels for a natural linen spray.
- Relaxing Bath: Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil to bathwater for a soothing bath to relax after a long day.
- Make Your Own Bath Scrubs: Use sugar, olive oil and lavender essential oil to create a wonderful exfoliating scrub for rough skin.
- Insect Repellent: Add lavender essential oil to a carrier oil and rub on your arms and legs for a great insect repellent.
- Minor Scrapes: Use lavender essential oil to prevent scarring.
- Wrinkles: Lavender and Frankincense essential oils are excellent to apply to the skin to maintain a youthful glow.
- Stop Bleeding: Lavender essential oil will help stop bleeding on small cuts and wounds.
- Enhances Your Food: Lavender essential oil can be used in cooking in a large variety of recipes.
- Calming Your Children: Put lavender essential oil into a diffuser and place in a child’s room to help them sleep. Or add lavender essential oil to a carrier oil and rub on the bottom of their feet anytime you want to calm down your child.
- Strengthens the Immune System: Using lavender essential oil regularly can help build up your immune system.
- Summertime Drinks: Add lavender essential oil to sweet iced tea and lemonade for a refreshing drink.
- Too Much Sun: Use lavender and Chamomile essential oils for sunburns and heat stroke.
- Calm Pets: Lavender essential oil is wonderful to use with pets who are excited, anxious or aggressive.