The objective of the chiropractor is to correct vertebral subluxations to allow the nerve system to function better and the individual to express more of what he or she was intended to be.
Chiropractic techniques may vary but their objective is the same – to correct vertebral subluxation and restore life to the body.
What Does A Chiropractor Do?
After examining your spine, your chiropractor introduces a sufficient force into your body to set the subluxated (misaligned) vertebra into motion. Once the bone is in motion, the muscles and ligaments of the spine work to put the bone into its ideal position.
The adjustment or force introduced by the chiropractor is very simple, yet requires skill and accuracy. Anyone can move bones. Everyone knows someone who can “crack his neck.” Unfortunately, that takes no great skill. The skill and training required to locate misaligned vertebrae and to know when and where to make an adjustment makes the chiropractor unique.
All patients do not necessarily receive the same adjustment. Through a spinal examination, the chiropractor determines which of the twenty-four spinal vertebrae are subluxated and in which direction. The adjustment is then given accordingly. It has been found that because of anatomical factors and the similarity of living habits among people, certain areas of the spine are more prone to subluxation than others, such as the upper neck area.
How Often Do I Need To Be Adjusted?
The simplest answer to that question is, “As often as your spine becomes subluxated.” The problem is that you cannot know whether or not you need an adjustment.
You can guess that after falling down a flight of stairs you may well have subluxated your spine, but from day to day you have no way of knowing, unless your chiropractor examines your spine. This is why a schedule of regular examinations will be made according to your particular need.
Many chiropractors will schedule the entire family regularly to insure each member has a good nerve supply.
How often anyone needs to be adjusted varies from individual to individual, depending upon age, occupation, lifestyle, health, exercise and many other factors. Your chiropractor will determine what is best for you.
Why Doesn’t The Spine Stay In Place?
The spine is not an inanimate object. It is a living organ which is constantly in motion. When the first adjustment is given, a vertebra is set back into place that may have been subluxated for fifteen or twenty years. It has become accustomed to being int he wrong position. The muscles and ligaments that should hold the vertebra in the correct position are stretched and weakened. They may have been deprived of their nerve supply for many years. As the spine is continually adjusted, the vertebra spends more and more time in the proper position. Consequently, the muscles strengthened and are better able to hold the bone in place.
Unless the muscles that hold the bones of the spine in their proper positions are free to work, they will never strengthen. Although a brace or cast may offer temporary relief by immobilizing the spine, lasting results cannot be achieved unless the muscles are used and strengthened.
Regular chiropractic care is essential for optimum health. A properly functioning nerve system enables the body to reach its full potential in restoring and maintaining health as well as enhancing other areas of life such as job performance, academic excellence and athletic accomplishment.
When a vertebra misaligns to the degree that it interferes with the proper function of the nerve system (subluxates), the inborn, self-regulating mechanism of the body cannot function as it should. This results in a decrease in the quality of life. Chiropractors correct these subluxations.
Foundation For The Advancement Of Chiropractic Education